Date: 10th March 2013-04-13 Waypoint 109 N 10⁰ 27.975′ E 45⁰ 01.944′ Police station Berbera Waypoint 110 N 10⁰ 27.743′ E 45⁰ 01.940′ Maan-soor Hotel Berbera Chris enjoys the cool breeze under the shade Maan-soor Hotel Berbera Chris with the Mayor of … Continue reading
Elayne pulls out our old Chinese camping chairs as we sit and take in the surroundings in peace around eighty kilometres from Addis. Victor nestles under some eucalypt trees at Ehto German Camp at 2513mtrs above sea level watching hooded … Continue reading
It is hard to believe how Elayne and I have been so looked after, meeting the right people just at that critical point in time, when you are just about to give up, an amazing person appears helping you without … Continue reading
Hi Everyone, Thanks again for keeping an eye on us it is very much appreciated our end. Just to say we had a great adventure in Libya and our visas worked! Our only problem has been in Tunis, and yes, … Continue reading