4 June CUZCO CITY altitude 3600 mtrs We enter Cuzco the first big Peruvian city it is an amazing trip into the city center. Anybody that has traveled through Peru will know that some festival carnival is in full flight. … Continue reading
3 June WP560 3587 meters above sea level. We take a small mountain road and find a great campsite high in the terraces but Elayne is not feeling the best, according to the GPS we are above 3500mtrs. We find … Continue reading
2 June WP 559 GPS indicates Cuzco is about 200 klms We camp at 2297 meters and its cold, and we are soon covered by freezing fog drifting down the mountains straight towards us. Elayne feels fine and the Altitude … Continue reading
1 June WP 558 The GPS indicates in a straight line we are 400klm to Cuzco after driving 370klm from our last WP …BUT it is soon clear as we spot a road sign which gives us the true distance … Continue reading