Construction of Victor

Given a lot of our friends have already seen the construction picture on our myspace website ( we decided to dedicate a whole page on our new website and therefore not clog up the home page with older pictures!

Having said that here are the 195 pictures which show the construction of the buggy now know as Victor, after the lawnmower. :)

Hope you enjoy,

The Crazy Travelers

9 Responses to Construction of Victor

  1. Margaret Bradley says:

    Fantastic..looks awesome..Have great journeys. Stay happy and healthy in 2011. Will track ur progress! My mum met you on Berneray off North Uist in Scotland ?!

    Kind regards


  2. Nicole says:

    Hey Chris and Elyane, You two are amazing and an inspiration. I am so glad you
    were able to spend the weekend with me in Dundee, South Africa.
    Till we meet again, Nicole

  3. Hanlie Sonnekus says:

    Hi Elayne & Chris!
    My husband Dries and I met you briefly at the show of the Drakensberg Boys Choir in May.
    My husband understood that Victor has a Nissan engine – would you mind stating which engine and how many kilometres it has covered so far? I must say the buggy can be the ideal vehicle for Africa in general and also for ‘negotiating’ the potholes in South African roads.
    I hope you’ll enjoy your tour of South Africa.
    Kind regards
    Hanlie Sonnekus

  4. I saw Victor in Gorongosa National Park(Mozambique)- July 2011. Now looking at the pictures of its construction it is just amazing.

  5. ruben says:

    Hola muchachos’porque parte del planeta se encuentran,les escribe el loco,que
    conduce ese citroen 3CVmodelo 1979,que ustedes se toparon en el lago Gutierrez.
    Deseandoles un buen año 2012,y por esos caminos que tiene este planeta

    • ruben says:

      hola muchachos en que parte del globo terraqueo estan,the crazy ruben,que
      nos encontramos en el lake Gutierrez Bariloche,yo soy the crazy del citroen
      buena suerte o good lake ,che por que no escriben en spanich

  6. Steven kruger says:

    Wow that buggy is the most amazing car I have ever seen! Now im going to have to build one for myself!

  7. Ronnie says:

    Hi , Chris and Elyane .
    I am ronnie here from singapore do you still remember me?
    I was the person who middle of the road talking with you in the town of orchard road.
    I was feeling fantastic when i saw your vehicle such the only one type of typical vehicle in the world
    Yesterday i saw your vehicle in the facebook.
    Have a safe journey to east of indonesia.
    Looking forward to hear from you .

    Ronnie singapore –

  8. i was worried for u guys for crossimg Myannmar…hope u all went well. staying in Imphal for a 2-3 weeks just for dealing with those Communist Myanmarese Govt. Specially the Army. Hope my frens at India and Myanmar border who is Cops gave good hospitally good at their Commando Complex.
    wanna see the Picture of ur “STRANGE ROVER”. plz upload in my FB Timeline

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